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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Segregated Proms???

I was lounging at home the other day (an activity of the broke-ass nigga club, lol) and I came across an interesting documentary on HBO. It was called 'Prom in Mississippi.' Charleston, Mississippi is a small town with a population of maybe 2,000 people (the size of my school) and for years they had been having two proms, one for white students and one for black students. The film is about the kids planning their first integrated prom (which Morgan Freeman offers to pay for), but you get insight to thier minds and the way they feel about race and ethnicity. It was interesting to note that the parents were the group who advocated for seperate proms because they were holding on to the old racial customs of the past. It was a shock to see that in 2008 there had not been an integrated prom yet, but the school was integrated. To me that was seriously ass-backwards, but the seniors were not to be blamed. They say its tough to teach an old dog new tricks, but as a parent you can not really feel comfortable with teaching your child to grow up and hate a person of a different color for no reason. There is no validity behind racism or segregation. Older people always want to put down our generation for whatever reason, but we are the most socially unified generation this world has probably ever seen in all of existence. Our strides toward racial unity and equality should definitely be recorded in history books.

If you ever get a chance to watch it I would highly recommend that you do so...and listen to what is being said by these young people and their parents.

Stay Hungry...

Check this clip off the Tube

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